Sunday, February 28, 2010

Buildings on West Bellville Street

These two buildings on West Bellville Street across from the Court House were built in 1921-1922.  The building on the left was built by A. S. Cannan.  It was bought by  W. O. Tucker and was a furniture store and undertaking business for many years.  The furniture store was located on the ground floor and the 2nd level was the undertaking business.

The store next to it  was the Marion Hardware and Grocery Store.  In 1924 it was owned and operated by C. A. Daughtrey, E. F. Sullenger and W. D. Sullenger.  Gabe Wathen was the salesman.  One side of their building was  their hardware and the other side was for the grocery department.

This is what was originally on the upper level of the Cannan building.  In the year 2000 the Gilbert Funeral Home recovered their funeral home building. The Cannan building was now apart of the funeral home so  it was also covered in the stucco finish, so today this historic old building just blends in with the funeral home building next to it. 

The building in the top picture with the blue awnings on it, are the  Law offices of Attorney Alan Stout.  This building still looks as the original building did, all but the awnings that are on it today.  It was the Marion Hardware and Grocery Store.

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