Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Past

It seems from reading the old Crittenden Presses that Thanksgivings of yesteryear were more important to the people than it seems today. From the following article it is all about Thanksgiving Day, not just a day to hurry through and get ready for the biggest shopping day of the year.

Nov. 1928 - Marion's Annual Thanksgiving Service.
Tuesday morning of this week the annual Thanksgiving proclamation was signed by Mayor J. V. Threlkeld. In the document the mayor requests all business to be suspended during the Thanksgiving service scheduled for 10:30 at the Main Street Presbyterian Church.

The text of Mayor Threlkeld's proclamation is as follows: Thanksgiving Proclamation
  • Marion has passed thru another year of progress. We have as a community and as individual citizens been blessed in many ways. Therefore we should not forget the gratitude we owe our heavenly father for the prosperity and happiness we have enjoyed. At the same time we should not be forgetful of those less fortunate, but by deeds of charity we should make our acknowledgement of our blessings more acceptable.
  • Whereas Calvin Coolidge, president of the United States has set apart Tuesday, the twenty-ninth day of November as a day of general Thanksgiving and prayer.
  • Therefore I, J. V. Threlkeld, mayor of the city of Marion, Ky., hereby recommend that on that day our citizens shall cease from their daily work, at least from 10:30 A.M. during the time of the Thanksgiving service, and either in their homes or place of worship give thanks to the Supreme Ruler for the blessings of the past year.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

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