Monday, November 30, 2009

Marion Light Company

When Marion first got Electricity.
From the files of The Crittenden Press comes the history of this important event for the people of Marion. The picture at the right is the Marion Electric Light and Ice Company August 1901.

August 15, 1901.
The machinery for the Electric Light Plant reached the city a few days ago. The power house is complete and the work of wiring the business houses and residences will begin at once, and the plant will be in operation in a few weeks.

The rates are very reasonable indeed. The rates for business houses are as follows: Less than three lights 75 cents each, Three or more, 60 cents, Ten or more, 50 cents.

For residences; Three of more, 33 cents, Ten or more 30 cents each.

The strength of the ordinary light will be sixteen candle power; however, lights of greater power can be secured. The streets of the city are to be light with eighteen arc lights.

Oct. 17, 1901 - 20 Arc Lights Illuminate The City.
Thursday, Oct. 10, 1901, is another historical day in Marion. On that day twenty arc lights flashed their rays up and down the streets of Marion, driving away the murky darkness that has so long enveloped our thoroughfares and announcing to the world that Marion is rapidly becoming a city.

The lights are in every particular up to the expectations of the people. No towns, and very few cities can boast of a better system of street light than ours. The lights are turned on at six o'clock in the evening and burn all night. The work of wiring the business houses and residences is being pushed rapidly along.

The power plant only ran at night. It was also on a "moonlight schedule", this meant they didn't burn the street lights on a moon light night. Certain times of the week were also set for people to use their electric washing machines and their electric irons.

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