Monday, September 14, 2009

Visit to the new Dam 50 area

Genealogy Group Field Trip to old Dam Site.

Picture left to right: Don Foster, Don Taylor, Fay Carol Crider, Me, Doyle Polk and Dot Kunnecke. A fine group we were and a good time we had. We had a picnic lunch at one of the new sheds and then a hike down to the river's edge.

The Crittenden County Genealogy Group went on a field trip this past Saturday to the newly restored Dam 50 site. It has a new name now, being called River Side Park. But to those of us that grew up here and visited this area and went to the park for church and family picnics, it will always be Dam 50.

The Lock and Dam 50 site was built by the United States Government and the project was completed in 1928. At this time in history the area was known as Clementsburg, named for the man who created the town, John Clement. Another town just down from Clementsburg was Fords Ferry, and up the river a short distance was the river port town of Weston.

The old wicket-time dam had become obsolete by 1980 and it was destroyed in the fall of 1980. Soon gone were the nice homes of the families that worked there and the power house. The area was misused and vandalized over the years and people didn't use it as it was suppose to be used. Now, almost 30 years later the area is finally a clean, safe and beautiful area for families and organizations to enjoy once again.

The park area has 3 new sheds with metal picnic tables and grills, concrete pads for campers and there is a grassy playground area for the kids and even some rope and plank swings hanging from the large limbs of the beautiful Maple trees that are there. These trees are the only things left from the original Dam 50 park, and the beautiful Ohio River as if continues it's journey down south.


  1. This is a nice park but did they put in any restrooms?? This will always be Dam 50 to me I grew up with this park I am glad it was restored JoAnn Towe Lavergn,Tenn

  2. JoAnn,

    Yes, they have put in rest rooms. They are kept clean by the county workers that take care of the park. If the area was going to be used again, it for sure needed these restrooms.
    I think you would be proud of the way the park looks today.
    Thank you for your comment.

  3. Thank you for that information.The next time I am in Marion I will have to go down there and see all the new things. Jo Ann
