Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lewis Walker Funeral Ceremonies

Monument of Lewis Walker, located at Sisco Chapel Cemetery, Crittenden County. He was in Co. A 48th Ky Vol. Mounted Infantry.

Crittenden Press March 27, 1896

At a meeting of Crittenden Post, G. A. R. held at its hall in Marion, August 4th, 1896, it was decided to hold the funeral service in memory of comrade Lewis Walker, deceased, at the grave of said deceased comrade, at Sisco's Chapel, on Friday September 4, 1896.

This service is held in consequence of the fact that on the day on Comrade Walker's funeral the rain prevented the members of the Post from meeting and performing the service.

A large attendance of the surrounding county is expected. As it will be impossible to get through with the services in either the forenoon or afternoon, it will be necessary to have dinner on the ground. All are requested to bring the dinner baskets.

After the funeral services there will be a decoration of the graves of all soldiers at that and a neighboring cemetery. Everyone that can will please bring contributions of flowers, and as flowers will be scare, it will be necessary to use evergreens to a great extent, all who can please bring evergreens.
Isaac Sisco donated the land for use as a cemetery.


  1. Brenda, Lewis Walker is my great grandfather. Anna Stone emailed me and told me to look at the Forgotten Passages. It was very interesting and information that I did not have.......thank you.

    Karen Turley Collier
    Chatham IL

  2. Karen,
    Thank you for letting me know that something I put on the Forgotten Passages was helpful. I'm so glad the information was useful.
