Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tolu News of May 1905

From the local correspondent of the river town of Tolu comes some interesting news. The paper is dated May 12, 1905.
  • The river is now over much of the low bottoms, but falling some.
  • Mrs. Harry Stone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stone, of our community, died last Friday at 6:30 p.m. She was nineteen years of age, had suffered with consumption since first of January 1905. She leaves, besides a husband, one little daughter twenty months old, a mother, father, one brother and one sister. Wathen, as she was called, was a good sweet girl, loving and kind. The bereaved have our sympathy in their great sorrow. Bro. Givens preached the funeral at Hurricane Church on Saturday.
  • Sunday was foot washing day at Pleasant Hill Church, and there must have been 800 or 1,000 people on the ground. Basket dinner was served. We must confess that while these humble people wear no silks nor ride in rubber tired buggies, they show a higher percent of true Christianity than in commonly found in these parts.
  • Mr. Kay Kevil has been in our midst for three or four days. He is surveying the Foster Threlkeld woodland on the E/town road. It will be cut up into several tracts and sold to the highest bidder.
  • Fred Myers and his mother went to Evansville Monday to have Mrs. Myers eyes treated by a specialist.
  • Born to the wife of George Gass, an eight pound girl.

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