Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Old Marion Cemetery

This old cemetery is located on the corner of Highway 60 West and Moore Street. At right is the new sign placed at the cemetery, and to the far right is the stone of George Witherspoon, almost completed grown over by the giant old tree.

This cemetery was the first burial place for the early citizens of Marion, in fact before Crittenden County was broken off from Livingston County.

The first burial we have recorded was for Mary Elder Mayes, who died of cholera, July 18, 1833. The next person was Margaret Wilson, who died Nov. 1833. Mary Elder Mayes does not have a stone today. Over the years it has either been stolen, broken or is lost somewhere under the grass and soil.

Margaret Wilson, who died Nov. 1833 still has a stone. There is a mystery of who Margaret is, some of us think that it is possibly Margaret Travis that was married to John M. Wilson. But nothing to prove this has ever been found. John N. Travis, also a member of this same Travis family has a tombstone here, his stone reads - John N. Travis, Co. H. 20 KY Inf. I have oftened wondered if at some time these two stones were removed from their original location in the Piney Fork area and placed at this location for some reason. Nothing to prove this, just a feeling.

Also buried in the Old Marion Cemetery are many of Marion's founding fathers and pioneer family members. John S. Gilliam and his wife Nancy, who built Marion's first log house in 1840, and also donated the land for our courthouse. Their stones have also disappeared over the years.

Major Berry S. Young, County Clerk, from 1851-1866, and also Paymaster US Volunteers is buried here. He has a stone standing today, other members of his family are also buried here.

John D. Gregory and Robert Hill, both were first Justices of the Peace, chosen in the first court meeting of the newly formed Crittenden County in 1842.

The W. C. Carnahan family has a burial plot inside an ornate iron fence. Mr. Carnahan was one of Marion's first pioneer businessmen; other things he did included being a town trustee in 1855 and sheriff in 1866.

The picture of the stone being over taken by the tree belongs to George Witherspoon, a member of the first county court, and a member of the 1st grand jury impaneled in the newly formed Crittenden County. George's stone reads - Born 1776, Died March 16, 1844. Martha his wife is also buried here. She also have a marker, it reads Died Nov. 19, 1843 in her 63rd year.

These are only a few of the historic old stones that are in this cemetery.

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