Friday, May 1, 2009

Great Day at Chapel Hill Church

Chapel Hill Church as it looked at the time of the article, July 1924.

The fifth Sunday in June was a great day for Chapel Hill Church. It was "Old Folks" and "Home Coming Day" combined. The morning service was conducted as usual, but they say the old time songs. The pastor preached from the text, "He that goeth forth weeping, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him."

There was a good attendance. There were forty-five automobiles bringing people from outside the community. There were about twenty former members of the Chapel Hill community, who now live outside of the county, present. There were fully as many who live in the county but not now in the community. There were from 75 to 100 visiting friends present.

The Chapel Hill people and friends furnished a splendid dinner which all present were urged to enjoy. After the noontime repast an hour was spent in shaking hand with old friends and enjoying a happy social hour. The afternoon service was devoted to the old people. Then Bro. T. M. Hill, the oldest elder in the church led the meeting.

This day with its social and spiritual blessings was equal to a revival for the church. Everybody seemed to enjoy the day.
The old time church Homecomings with dinner on the ground are about a thing of the past. Homecomings are still held annually but not outside and not as many attend as they use to.

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