Monday, March 9, 2009

W.O.W. Unveiling Ceremonies 1907

This is another interesting article about the Woodmen of The World and the impressive ceremonies they conducted when one of their members died.

The Woodmen stones at the right are for: W. B. White who died Feb. 5, 1908, Thomas Roscoe Rochester, who died July 16, 1907 and Winifred Sleamaker who died March 23, 1908. The photo does not do justice to the two stones made in the pattern of a tree. They are very intricately carved with many symbols on them. These stones are located in our Mapleview Cemetery.

From the archives of The Crittenden Press, Oct. 8, 1908.
Sunday afternoon, October 4th, will be long remembered by the W. O. W. Lodges of this vicinity and their friends. It was the date agreed on and advertised to unveil monuments and do honor to the memories of Sovereigns Winifred Sleamaker, W. B. White and Roscoe Rochester, who were all taken within a short space of time by the ruthless hand of death.

The day was auspicious and was bright and beautiful as a dream and this lent aid in bringing a great throng of people form all sections. The early train brought many, and each following train augmented the crowd. They came also in wagons and buggies and on horse back, until perhaps the largest crowd ever assembled on a similar occasion.

The Marion Silver Cornet Band furnished the sweetest music or the occasion and added, as it always does, much to the pleasure of the occasion. Those who assisted in the ceremonies were J. H. Nimmo, J. W. Wilson, W. H. Clark and R. I. Nunn.

Miss Nelle Sutherland's recitation was well delivered and was much enjoyed. Little Miss Hazel Pollard also recited and acquitted herself admirable. The speech of eulogy was delivered by J. R. Robinson in his usual good form and was a masterpiece of oratory and rhetoric.

All in all, the day was one long to be remembered and was a bright one in the annals of the Woodmen of The World.

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