The home had been neglected for some time when Carlos Travis purchased it at auction in Oct. of 1998. He and Kathy have restored it to it's beautiful appearance today. Kathy has also built and maintains her beautiful rock gardens on the grounds. Carlos also keep the old historic Deanwood store, which is located near the home, in good condition. As you drive by you would almost think it was open for business as it was many years ago.
This home and the Travis-Terry home are certainly homes that Crittenden County can be proud to acknowledge. If you are wondering about J. T. Travis and Carlos Travis, yes, they are brothers, something isn't it, that they both have purchased and restored two of the most beautiful old homes in Crittenden County.
My grandmother, Betty Brown-DeWitt was born in and grew up in this house. Her great uncle, Joseph Dean , ran the Deanwood store.