Friday, December 12, 2008

More Community News Items

These news items are from the Aug. 26, 1915 edition of The Crittenden-Record Press. This Midway community was located midway between Marion, Crayne, and the Piney Fork area. Maybe you will recognize some family names from this area.

  • Aunt Mat Wilson died Aug. 15th, after a long illness at the home of her son. She was laid to rest at Piney Fork, where a large crowd gathered to show their last respect. Weep not dear bereaved ones, Aunt Mat is gone from us bu we will soon meet her upon the golden shore, where she'll shake hands with all of us and say "I've been watching for you to come."
  • Mrs. Rose Hughes and daughter, Vennie, left for their home in Stratton. Colorado.
  • Miss Clara Crayne, of Princeton, is visiting relatives in this section.
  • Dozie Hill and W. S. Paris and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Phil Deboe at Marion Sunday.
  • Kirby Hunt and wife visited C. L. Hill last week.
  • Mrs. Martha Sigler and son, Tiller, visited her brother, J. W. Hunt, near Hurricane Sunday night.
  • Henry Agee has returned from Kansas where he has been working in the wheat harvest.

The community of Bellmont was located near by close to the Piney Fork neighborhood.

  • Camp meeting closed at Piney Fork last week, with twenty-four converted and some renewed up. We had a fine preacher, and he did some good preaching.
  • Several from this neighborhood attended the funeral and burial of Mrs. Phil Deboe at Marion Sunday.
  • A goodly number from this place went to Marion Monday.
  • School is progressing at this place with Miss Cordie Smart as teacher.
  • Aunt Jane Travis is quite feeble and confined to her bed.
  • Aunt Katherine James is no better at this writing.
  • Emerson Ethridge and Miss Myrtle Conger eloped one night the last of the camp meeting and got married.
  • Some from this place attended the tent meeting at Jim McConnell's near Blackburn Sunday night.

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