Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Among The Farmers, Part II

Saturday October 25 was a beautiful day in rural Crittenden County. It was one of those perfect autumn days that you dreamed about when it is 90 degrees in the shade in the middle of summer.

As I took a scenic drive on S.R. 1901, or as we older folks call it, Seminary Loop Road, I was awarded with this beautiful sight. Wanted to share it with everyone.

From the Crittenden Press, June 1897. Among The Farmers, Part II.

  • Mr. David Gilliland, one of the tireless farmers of the Hurricane country, was in town Tuesday. Dave is small in stature but it is said that when it comes to moving things on a farm he can do more than two large men. He has charge of Foster Threlkeld's big farm this year and is keeping up with his 250 acres of growing corn.
  • Occasionally a farmer takes hold of an old farm and makes a thing of beauty of it. One notable instance of the kind is Dan Green took the old Akers place, on the Fords Ferry Road when it was thought past redemption, and the old fields had been termed out for years. Dan set his wits and muscle to work and now he has as cozy a little place as there is on the road. The persimmon bushes and gullies have disappeared and in their stead are productive fields, a handsome cottage, which has taken the place of the old house, and everything around him has a prosperous look.
  • Mr. Albert Weldon of Tolu was in town Tuesday. Albert has recently retired from the mill business and invested more extensively in farms. He has a fine farm near Tolu.
  • J. N. Bracey figures on threshing out fifteen hundred bushes of wheat this season.
  • Mr. John Asbridge brought a lot of fine honey to town and soon disposed of it. He took 100 lbs. from four stand of bees. He has his hives so arranged that the honey is deposited in one pound cases and these are sold without breaking the comb.
  • Mr. E. L. Horning hauled two loads of tobacco to town last week.
  • Col. A.D. McFee, one of the best farmers of the Fords Ferry section, is selling his last year's crop of corn this week. He sold at thirty cents per bushel, and will deliver several hundred bushes.

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