Friday, September 19, 2008

Odessa School

Located several miles from Marion on the Blackburn Church Road used to be a little one room school that few people now remember. It was named Odessa School. The picture at right was made in the 1970's after the school had been discontinued for many years. Today the school house has been remodeled and is used as a family dwelling.

From the files of The Crittenden Press dated, Jan. 5, 1911 we can find out what was happening at Odessa School.

The 6th, 7th and 8th grades are doing some good work. The third grade pupils are coming right on - just watch them. The first and second grades will soon be promoted. The average attendance is 32.

Our trustee, C. H. McConnell, and Superintendent, E. J. Travis, have had new patent seats placed in the school house. This is a great improvement over the long "bench."

The school enjoyed a pleasant trip to the old noted Saltpeter Cave last Friday afternoon. This is one of the wonders in East Crittenden.

The Honor roll of Odessa school for the 4th week ending Dec. 16th, is as follows:
  • First grade - Robert Herron, Roy Herron, Leslie D Avis, Allie McNeelye, Delmer Travis, Elsie Coleman and Lucy McChesney.
  • Second grade - Alma Herron, Lexie Coleman, Robert Warren, Leona Coleman and Ray Travis.
  • Third grade - Lera McConnell, Jessie Travis, Hubert Herron, Herbert Herron, Roy Coleman, Richard Edlder, Freddie Travis, Sarah Elder, Dixie Travis, Allie McChesney, Ila Stembridge, Dixie McChesney.
  • Fifth grade - Nellie Davis, Pearl Travis, Lewis Coleman, Herbert Vanhooser, Ernest Davis, Cora McConnell, Ila Winn, Ray Eldr, Lena Coleman and Rosa Herron.
  • Seventh grade - Robert Vanhooser, Henry McConnell, Hodge McNeeley, Mable, Maud and Ethel McConnell.
  • Eighth grade - Cole McConnell.

News item written by their teacher J. B. McNeeley.

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