Sunday, September 7, 2008

Crittenden's Preachers in 1891

Crittenden Press, Nov. 19, 1891
Probably no county, in proportion to its population, has furnished, to the various denominations, as many ministers as Crittenden.

Among the native preachers, now active in and preparing for the ministry are, of the Missionary Baptists: T. C. Carter, W. R. Gibbs, Wm. Belt, Eli M. Eaton, H. B. Fox, J. J. Franks, W. C. Pierce, R. A. LaRue, Henry Holloman, D. P. Campbell, H. G. Summers, Israel M. Bebout and J. M. Roberts.

Of Methodist there are in the Louisville conference, J. W. Bigham, Rushing, the two W. F. Hogards, (father and son), the two Loves, R. C. and H. C. (brothers), Stubblefield, McConnell and G. S. Summers. Then J. G. Haynes and B. E. Martin are preparing for the ministry in this church and have licenses to preach, so has R. S. Clark.

The Cumberland Presbyterian have Rev. James F. Price, W. C. M. Travis, who are active in the ministry, while Davis, Ben. F. McMican, Jacobs and Boisture are in the preparatory department.

This makes a total of thirty and the list is doubtless incomplete, and does not include a number of divines who live and have work in the county, but who were not born and reared here. It will be seen from this that the divine command: "Go thou and preach the kingdom of God," has not gone unheeded by the people of this county.

Paying for a Frolic.
Saturday John York and William Barrack were before judge Moore to answer the charge of disturbing religious worship at Sisco Chappel. Barrick entered a plea of guilty and was fined $20.00. York entered a plea of not guilty, but the jury took a different view of the matter and charged him $20.00.

The evidence showed that the boys fired a pistol and exercised their lungs too near the church. Our courts have had a number of cases of this character recently and the result usually makes such sport an expensive luxury.

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