Sunday, August 31, 2008

Neighborhood News in 1880

Many items of interest were happening in our fair city and county during this time period in our past history. We are fortunate that the Press had many news correspondents that helped gather all the news, now today 128 years later we are able to read their news of yesteryear.

Crittenden Press, March 31, 1880

  • Marriage Licenses have been issued for the following since our last report. T. L. Hughes and E. M. Williams. J. B. Perry and M. A. Beabout.
  • Our young friend Foster Threlkeld, of Hurricane, was in town yesterday in search of farm hands. He hired some, paying $19 per month.
  • R. B. Dorr has just returned from the city where he purchased a beautiful lot of furniture. All are invited to come and see the large stock of furniture.
  • Mr. John Hood, while running a flat boat up Hurricane Creek last week was severely injured by a falling tree. The boat ran against the tree, Hood attempted to push the boat off by placing his shoulder against the tree. The tree gave a way and fell across his body.
  • The popular Cumberland River Steamers, C. W. Anderson and B. S. Rhea will issue tickets to persons visiting the Nashville Centennial for one fare for the round trip. The clever men of this excellent line of Steamers will make you feel comfortable and happy. S. H. Cassidy & Co. Dycusburg, are agents.
  • There are more log-rolling and other working parties going on in the county this spring than for a number of seasons.
  • Rev. J. S. Henry will preach at Forest Grove Sunday.
  • Weston Merchants have plows for sale. John Nunn and Co. are the merchants.
  • Mrs. Polly Wheeler, one of the oldest ladies of the county, died at her home last week.
  • Mrs. Rachel Travis, living east of Marion, died last Saturday morning. The deceased was born in 1787, joined the Piney Fork Cumberland Presbyterian Church in 1810, at the time of its organization and was at the time of her death the only surviving member of that church, who joined at the time of organization. She is the mother of a large family of children, and many grand children bear her name.

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