Sunday, July 20, 2008

W.O.W. Unveiling at Mt. Zion June 13, 1912

James B. Rich's W.O.W. marker at the Mt. Zion Cemetery.

Churches and the one room schools are so much a part of our past history. This article appeared in the June 13, 1912 Crittenden Press.

W.O.W. Unveiling at Mt. Zion Sunday was attended by biggest crowd in the history of the place. At Mt. Zion cemetery Sunday were assembled what is admitted by the old residents to be the largest crowd of people within the history of this historic place. People came from all parts of Crittenden County and from other counties as well.

The occasion was the unveiling of the handsome monument erected to the memory of sovereign James B. Rich by the W. O. W. fraternity, of which the late Mr. Rich was a member. The exercises being under the supervision of Rosewood Camp No. 22, which Robert E. Wilborn is Consul Com.; C. R. Newcom, Past Con. Com.; C. V. Oakley, Adv. Lieut.; F. B. Heath, Clerk; T. M. Conyer Watchman; R. I. Nunn, Banker; James Arflack, Escort; W. F. Myers Sentry, and H. D. Pollard, Master of Ceremonies.

The unveiling took place at 2 o'clock p.m. An interesting program had been arranged in connection with the ritualistic ceremonies of the Order, and was carried out to the satisfaction of everyone.

After the march, conducted by Master of Ceremonies H. D. Pollard, the Marion Concert Band played "Nearer My God to Thee." The Choir sang "Rock of Ages" and after an invocation by Rev. J. A. Wheeler, pastor of Mt. Zion Church, the quartet, "Bloom Brightly, Sweet Roses" was rendered by Messrs. Bart Fisher, Chester Fisher, Leonard Fisher and Miss Erline Fisher. The beautiful recitation, "Oh Why Should the Spirit of Mortal Be Proud" was given by Miss Clara Barton Woody, after which an address was made by Rev. Rufus Robinson.

After the unveiling of the monument by officers of Rosewood Camp No. 22 W.O.W., Judge J. G. Rochester introduced Hon. Alben W. Barkley, of Paducah, who gave an interesting speech.

At 11:00 o'clock a sermon was preached at the church by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Wheeler and noon a bountiful dinner was served on the grounds, of which everybody present was invited to partake and the day passed pleasantly away.

After leaving the place the Woodmen and others who were present were loud in their praise of the most hospitable manner in which they wee received and treated by the good people of Mr. Zion and vicinity.

The occasion was a success in every way and reflects credit to Rosewood Camp no. 22. W. O.W.

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