Saturday, March 29, 2008

More County Court News Items

Here are some more interesting tidbits from the minutes of the County Court meetings. The court actions were published after each meeting in The Crittenden Press. These items give us a look back to a different time in our history. These minutes were printed in the Dec. 14, 1893 edition of the Press.

Dec. 14, 1893 - County Court

  • The will of Silas Coram was probated.
  • T. W. Williams, commissioner, reported road opened as applied for by J. R. Clement
  • Upon motion of A. B. Rankin a ferry was established on Crooked Creek at Fords Ferry, and rates were fixed at 5 cents for each foot man, 10 cents for man and horse and 25 cents for team and wagon.
  • Martha D. Clark qualified as administratrix of the estate of her deceased husband with W. C. Farmer and D. Woods as her securities.
  • The following road overseers were appointed: J. W. Carter, Wm. Adams, D. R. Brown, Powell Heath.
  • Bird Asher allowed $5.00 for making rails used in opening public road.
  • Wm. Goode filed pauper claim for the year 1893 amounting to $212.59, after deducting rents
  • H. K. Woods allowed $22.65 for school books furnished indigent children

June 6, 1895 - The following item was titled "Did you Know That"

  • The court house is neatly kept
  • Marion has a population of 1404
  • Marion is proud of her Graded School
  • The town clock could not be dispensed with
  • John Skelton is making a good police judge
  • John Parr's merry laughter will cure the dyspepsia
  • The best school Marion ever had closes this week
  • J. H. Morse is getting to be an expert wheelman
  • Dr. J. H. Clark is the best fisherman in the county
  • An iron fence will be put around the school house
  • J. P. Pierce does more business than any other man in the county
  • Squire Postlethwait has purchased a lot and will build a house in Marion
  • Livingston, Lyon and Trigg counties have voted for prohibition this year
  • Three men have been hung by mobs and one by the law in Crittenden County
  • Frank Loyd is never happier than when in the discharge of official duties
  • When Deputy Sheriff Pickens goes out after the boys he rarely returns empty handed
  • Cad Bennett is knuckling down to business is Ardmore, Indian Territory
  • Dr. Swope will leave behind him lots of friends and a splendid practice when he goes to New Mexico
  • Friday and Saturday next is examination day, and a score or more of teachers will be on the anxious seat
  • W. B. Yandells' new brick residence will add to the beauty of Bellville Street, the prettiest thoroughfare in town
  • W. I. Cruce will move to Ardmore, Indian Territory, about September 1st, and that everybody in Marion and Crittenden County is sorry that he is to leave us

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