Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Local News in 1891

Through the articles that were printed in The Crittenden Press, we can learn so much about the people and history of Marion and Crittenden County. These old newspapers were indeed very 'newsy' and told all kind of good information. These two items of interest came from the year 1891.

From the September 3, 1891 edition, comes the article entitled "Forty Old Men." The Press is indebted to Mr. J. H. Walker for the following list of names of Crittenden County's forty oldest citizens. There is probabley no man in the county more conversant with its early history, than Mr. Walker. There are very few of the old families whose history for generations is not stored away in his remarkably retentive memory.

Chesteen Hood - 90, J. S. Grady-88, Joel Moore-87, Ephriam W. Hill-86, Henry Walker-85, Silas Coram-85, Thomas Wright-84, Timothy Taylor-84, Burton Ford-84, Hugh Beard-83, F. H. Croft-83, G. F. Clement-82, Gatesfield Farley-82, P. C. Barnett-81, Matthew Hughes-80, Chesley Nunn-80, Reuben Cook-80, Joshua Kemp-80, Bazil Butler-79, Edward Dority-79, James King-79, John Hodge-79, J. H. Hawkins-78, Edmond Holoman-78, J. G. Nations-78, Leander Hughes-77, Isaac Sisco-77, U. G. Witherspoon-77, Chapel Nunn-77, Watson Wood-77, A. J. Hill-76, W. P. Maxwell-76, Robert Heath-76, John S. Fowler-75, U. L. Horning-75, Wayne B. Shaw-75, Bazil Jacobs-75, John D. Thurmond-75, and a later name submitted was B.M.G. Heath-79. Colored. Sam Smith-87, and Amos Woods-84.

October 15, 1891 - The Superintendent Makes His Visits and Offers Some Pertinent Remarks.
The Superintendent visited the following schools and teachers last week
  • Belmont, S. W. Paris
  • Bellville, J. F. Canada
  • Shady Grove, W. B. Davis
  • Enon, R. O. Davis
  • Fish Trap, J. P. Crawford
  • Hoods Creek, Miss Cleo Nunn.
  • Applegate, Robt. Wheeler.
  • Prospect, Miss Sarah Cannon.
  • Dempsey, A. E. Clark
  • Rutherford, Sam Paris.
  • Greens Chappel, W.C.M. Travis
  • Bakers, Robt. Haynes
  • Postoak, Miss Henrie Howerton.
  • Harmony, J. K. Beard.
  • Simpson, a colored school under the tutorship of Adella Pippin.

The teacher at Prospect had closed her school before the Superintendent arrived. Mr. R. C. Haynes was not teaching the day his school was visited. He said that the trustees had not furnished the necessary comforts for his school. We hope that this will not occur again and that the trustees will take more interest in the school. Miss Cannan had closed her school to attend the nuptials of friends.

I was glad to find such thorough training in the Shady Grove School. Last year this district had an old dilapidated building for a school house. it now has completed a splendid and comfortable house well furnished. with such a house and with one of the best teachers in the county, I expect good results of this school.

I trust that every friend of the common school will lend their schools their aid. Respectfully, W. J. Deboe.

1 comment:

  1. Brenda,

    I could not help noticing that all of the "forty oldest citizens" were men. This, of course, is understandable given the time frame. Also, because of the hardships women endured, perhaps it is possible there weren't any alive who were as old as the men listed, but surely there were a few. Looking back at the time of the article and knowing how hard women had to fight for voting and legal rights, it seems ironic that the men of that era would have allowed women to teach.

    Thanks so much for all the work you do in genealogy. I read every word.

    Marcia Davidson
