Thursday, February 28, 2008

Visit With Communities in the Past

Small town local papers used to publish all the local community news items. There would be a person or person in our small communities who would gather all the local news in their area each week and submit it to the local paper.

We didn't have a local radio station, so these items were always read and enjoyed by all, it was a way to keep up with the news all over the county. Maybe you will see a familiar community or family name.

These local news items are from the archives of The Crittenden Press in the year 1949.

March 4, 1949, Cora Clift submitted the news items from Fords Ferry.

  • Herschel Hughes of Evansville, visited this week with his father, Walter Hughes and sister, Mrs. Leon Kirk, of Marion.
  • Charles E. Kirk has returned to his post of duty in the Army after an extended visit with his relatives.
  • Miss Sarah Hannah Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walker, of Dam 50, and Encil R. Davenport, son of Rev. and Mrs. O. H. Davenport, of Marion, motored to Arkansas and were Married January 30. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer of Marion. Mr. Davenport has a job in Chicago.
  • The people of this community were sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Tom Williams, of Sturgis. Mr. Williams was from our community and many years of his life were spent here. He was buried at Mt. Zion and was the last of one of Crittenden's oldest families.

March 11, 1949, Mrs. Beulah Sutton of the Lily Dale area sent in their news for the week.

  • Our school closed with a small program. Those present besides the parents were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haynes and Mr. and Mr. J. P. Loyd. The children receiving diplomas from the eighth grade were Marvin Ordway, Reuben Parmley and Jimmy Stallions.
  • Those receiving certificates and awards for perfect attendance were Eugene Sutton, Leon Sutton, Donna Fay Rushing and Donald Ray Rushing.
  • Those receiving prizes for the most headmarks for the entire year were as follows: Grade 2 - Katherine Parmley; Grade 3 - Donna Fay Rushing; Grade 4 - Gladys Parmley; Grace 6 - Jackie Stallions; Grade 7 - Eugene Sutton, and Grade 8 - Marvin Ordway.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Sutton and Ellen, Mrs. J. E. Newberry and Mrs. Oliver Stephenson were in Princeton on Monday.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Jennings, of Marion, spent Wednesday night with his mother, Mrs. Lizzie Jennings.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deboe and Eldon Sutton motored to Nashville, Tenn., on Friday.

June 17, 1949, the Emmaus Community News gathered by Mrs. M.L. (Pollie) Patton.

  • Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Polk of this vicinity entertained Sunday, June 12th, at their home here in honor of their 5 children, all of whom are employed away from home. Only one boy, Doyle Jr., who is engaged in farming with his father, resides at home. The girls are as follows: Miss Georgia Nelle Polk, a nurse at Hopkinsville hospital; Miss Willie Polk who is employed in a drug store at Evansville; Miss Linda Polk, who has employment at Marion in the drug store; and Mrs. Raymond Riley, the wife of Raymond Riley, who is a farmer. A nice lunch was served, prepared by Mrs. Polk for the noon hour. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Decker and little daughter Ann of Evansville, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Polk.
  • Mrs. Birdie Peek and granddaughter, Mary Jane Peek, and Mrs. Nellie McKinney are the guests of relatives at Frankfort Illnois this week.
  • Mrs. Lela Adams was seriously ill last week and was taken to Riverside Hospital at Paducah for treetment.
  • Mrs. M. L. Patton spent last week near Frances as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Turley and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Brasher and family.

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