Friday, December 30, 2011
New Year Greetings
How about some Happy New Year Greetings from yesteryear
The postmark on the card says Ottawa, Ill, Dec. 30, 1919.
Addressed to Charlie L. Lindsey, Sheridan, Ky.
Postmark reads Marion, Ky. Dec. 31, 1910
Addressed to Miss Stella Brasher, R.F.D.2, Fredonia, Ky.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Resolutions of Respect for J. H . Hampton
Crittenden Press, June 25, 1908 - Zion Hill Lodge, No. 371 F. & A.M.
June 10, 1908. Whereas it has pleased the Great Archetect of the universe in his wisdom to remove from our midst, our beloved Brother. J. H. Hampton, therefore be it:
RESOLVED: That in the death of Bro. J. H. Hampton, Zion Hill Lodge, looses a worthy and true member, the community, an honest, upright citizen, and his bereaved family a kind and generous husband.
Resolved that a page of the records of our Lodge be set apart to his memory, and a copy of these resolutions be spread thereon, a copy be sent to his bereaved family.
Resolved that the Brethern wear the usual badge of mouring for 30 days.
J. H. Hampton is buried in the Dunn Springs Cemetery, located on S. R. 387 a short distance off of HWY 91 North. He has a Civil War Military Stone, So. K, 6th Ill. Cav.
His obituary reads: June 11, 1908 - J. H. Hampton died Tuesday at his home at Fords Ferry, age 74. He was buried at Dunn Springs with Masonic honors.
His obituary reads: June 11, 1908 - J. H. Hampton died Tuesday at his home at Fords Ferry, age 74. He was buried at Dunn Springs with Masonic honors.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Ole' Time Christmas Cards
Time once again to share some beautiful old Christmas Cards. I never get tired of looking at these.
These two were actually Post Cards. The post mark date on the back was 1914.
This is a small card. The verse inside reads
"Wishing You The Season's Greatest Joys and All Kind Thoughts For The New Year."
These was no envelope to get the date, but I wonder if maybe during WWII since it looks like a patriotic style card.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Winter time 1952
Although the picture looks more vintage, the date on it says Jan. 3, 1952. It was made on West Bellville Street looking toward downtown Marion.
Behind the ice covered tree limbs and branches, on the left, you can see the beautiful old Steamboat style home of Mr. and Mrs. John Flanary. At this time the Flanary's owned the home and is was in beautiful condition.
This one of a kind house was razed several years ago due to it being un-lived in and taken care of and it was in a very deteriorated state. A new brick home now sets on the location of the old home.
The man on the right looking toward the street is Mr. David H. Postlethweight.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Christmas Parade 1954
Remembering the Christmas Parades of years past. One of Marion's largest crowds ever attended the parade of 1954.
The old Crittenden Press stated that the crowd was estimated at over 5,000 that swarmed into Marion to watch the hour-long gala Christmas Parade.
Before the parade, hundreds of cars were parked for blocks along side streets, requiring extra efforts by the Police Department and Boy Scouts to handle the traffic.
There were 18 festive floats entered in the parade, plus many other entries. All the Marion merchants had worked hard on their colorful floats, many pertaining to what the store sold, the Rose Cleaners float showed a group of dancing youngsters dressed appropriately in suit bags to reflect the dry cleaning theme.
The Cumberland Presbyterian float expressed a true religious scene depicting a kneeling choir at the base of a cross.
The picture above was taken on West Bellville Street. The cars in the street were from some of the dealerships that Marion had during that time.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Forgotten Passage Volume III Book
Forgotten Passage Volume III has now been published. It is a collection of articles and photos about History and Genealogy of Marion and Crittenden County that I have used in my column in our local paper The Crittenden Press.
The articles in the book are similiar to the ones I use on my Blog, but in more detail. The articles cover businesses, schools, churches, communities, people, plus historic happenings that took place in our past history and many more items of interest to folks that love Crittenden County.
Brenda Underdown, 139 Oak Hill Drive, Marion, KY 42064
270-965-2082 or email:
Volume I and Volume II are also available at $35.00 + $4.00 for shipping/handling.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Historic Home
A little history from the year 1904. Several new impressive homes were being built in Marion. A new addition to Marion was being laid out and getting ready for lots to be sold. It was located North of town.
Al Pickens, a local business man, had purchased a lot and was building himself a handsome brick residence. The time was July 1904.
The two story brick home was to have a splendid cellar, which was a luxury, a large reception hall, double parlors, with folding doors between with family and kitchen and dining room on first floor, Several sleeping apartments will be on the second floor.
The house was the home of the Slyche Frazer family for many years. After they sold the home, two different couples have purchased the home and started renovation work on it, and both times something has happened and they had not finished the work on it. As you can see it is still a grand site to see.
The home sits empty today, and looks as it does in the photo. Hopefully it can be lived in once again and the work finished. It would be such a shame to lose this impressive old home as so many has been lost in Marion.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Copperas Spring School Students 1885-86
This old picture at one time belonged to Braxton McDonald. He numbered and identified all the students in the picture. Which makes it a treasure. When the picture was made the school house was made of logs.
Later a 2nd building was built, and the school house used to be located on the Copperas Spring Road. At one time it was one, of only two, old one-room school houses left standing in the county. It was razed in 2010 by the owners of the land, but not before they offered what was left of the old building to anyone that would take it and try to restore it. There were no offers so the building is now gone.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Small Business Day
Friday Nov. 25th, 2011 is being promoted by the media as Small Business Day. Encouraging everyone to shop local and shop at the small independently owned stores. It really hit home this morning as I was downtown Marion going to the Bank. All of Marion's once busy stores down town are gone, I'm not saying there aren't any stores left open, but none that were originally there many years ago. No Drug stores, no department stores, no grocery stores or Five and Dime Stores.
There were only a couple of vehicles parked at the parking places on Main Street or down the side streets. Many years ago this would have been a busy day for the town of Marion. In the picture above, which was made in the mid 1940's gives us the memory of what a busy place it was, full of all kinds of businesses and shopping opportunities. Not just one department store, but 4, 2 drug stores, barber shops, grocery stores were also on main street and around the court house square, eating places and even a theater.
The picture at the left is West Bellville St. The Red Front store was popular, and next to it was a hardware store, grocery store, furniture store and a few others. Just look at tall the people on the street and all the cars parked along the curb.
I know this has happened to most all small towns, just a shadow of their former glory. But it's fun to remember the busy times of yesteryear.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving from Yesteryear
In Nov. 1928 a Thanksgiving Proclamation was given by Mayor J. V. Threlkeld. In the document the mayor requests all businesses in the city of Marion to be suspended during the Thanksgiving service scheduled for 10:30 at the Main Street Presbyterian Church. "Marion has passed thru another year of progress. We have, as a community and as individual citizens, been blessed in many ways. Therefore we should not forget the gratitude we owe our heavenly father for the prosperity and happiness we have enjoyed.
An old fashion "Happy Thanksgiving" to everyone that reads my Blog.
An old fashion "Happy Thanksgiving" to everyone that reads my Blog.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Resolution of Respect for W. L. Travis
Crittenden Press, April 27, 1906
William Lander Travis, son of William Blake Travis, Jr. and Emily Brown Travis. Was married to Mary Francis "Fannie" Redd. Buried in the Owen Cemetery, located on S. R. 855 North, a few miles from Frances, Ky.
Liberty Lodge, No. 580 F. & A.M. Whereas, on December 30, 1905, it was the divine will and pleasure of the Supreme Architect of the Universe, to whom we must all bow in humble submission, to call from labor to refreshment our dearly beloved brother, Wm. L. Travis, and Whereas, Liberty Lodge, No. 580 F. & A.M. was caused to give up, by sad death, a faithful member and a professed Christian, whose loss is felt to the fullest extent by this Lodge and the bereaved widow and orphan children.
Signed: W. O. Wicker, F. M. Matthews, L. E. Hard, Committee.William Lander Travis, son of William Blake Travis, Jr. and Emily Brown Travis. Was married to Mary Francis "Fannie" Redd. Buried in the Owen Cemetery, located on S. R. 855 North, a few miles from Frances, Ky.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Traveling Difficult in Earlier Times
From the files of The Crittenden Press are found many interesting articles that tell us of hardships many years ago. One of them was the inconvenience of the condition of our roads.
This article was written in Feb. of 1927 and the picture at the right shows how bad the mud had become. The car in the back in mired down to its axles and the poor team of mules are having the hard time of trying to pull the car out of the mire.
Poems have been written and pictures painted of the snow-bound communities, whole books have been published about the flood-bound, but little attention has been paid to the mud-bound sections. It is literally true that many parts of this county are really mud-bound; work has been hindered and trading halted while activities of all kinds have been slowed down almost to a standstill.
Few of the roads in this county have been in a condition that would make wagon traffic fairly easy and none, aside from the graveled highway, will permit the use of automobiles. The problem of obtaining household supplies has gotten to be a serious matter for families in several sections and trips to the market have been made with expenditures of great effort and loss of time.
A few days ago a man from Shady Grove was in Marion, after having made an eight hour tirp from his home in a wagon without a load, drawn by four big mules.
The Salem mail carrier, who is due to leave the Marion post office at 2:30 p.m. was so delayed by the mud on the Salem highway ( now Highway 60) that it was ten o'clock the next morning before he reached his destination in Salem.
It took many years for the county to be able to acquire a county tax that could be applied toward the maintenance of the roads.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Veteran's Day, Friday Nov. 11, 2011
Let us join in Salute with those, who in years gone by, have given of their best, freely, that all which Our Flag represents might be kept true and secure.
These three stones stand proudly in the Dycusburg Cemetery. Three young men of the Dycusburg community that gave their lives for the freedom we have today. Their stones tell their story.
These three stones stand proudly in the Dycusburg Cemetery. Three young men of the Dycusburg community that gave their lives for the freedom we have today. Their stones tell their story.
At the base of Pvt. Hall's stone reads:
Killed in Europe. He Gave His Life For Freedom's Cause
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Weston Bluff - Civil War Site
Weston Bluff Skirmish
This Civil War Marker was placed near the foot of the Weston Bluff in the year 2005. It was one of three markers set in Crittenden County to mark Civil War actions sites. It was suppose to be part of the Ohio River Civil War Heritage driving tour. Although I don't believe this project created much activity in our county.
There is no documented evidence that Federal garrison occupied any point in our county, but guerrilla activity was sustained within the county, the largest being an attack on a Federal transport troop at Weston in June 1864.
Confederate forces, positioned on the bluff at Weston fired upon the steamboat Mercury as it passed northward. The Mercury was carrying the 7th Ohio Infantry, which returned fire from the boat. The captain refused to land the boat, citing orders not to do so in Kentucky, so there was no pursuit of the Confederate forces or a larger engagement. The skirmish is noted on the National Register of Historic Places.
View of the Ohio River from atop the Weston Bluff.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Seven Springs Missionary Baptist Church
Another one of Crittenden County's Rural Churches is Seven Springs Baptist Church. It is interesting how this church got it name.
The church is located in the south end of Crittenden County off of Hwy 70 between Frances and Dycusburg. Today a modern sign marks the location and the road it is located on was also named for the church.
The first location was on Claylick Creek, near the Cumberland River, and close to seven large springs, from which it got its name. The church was organized in the early 1800's so it is one of our earliest churches.
Later the church was moved up the valley from the river, where services were held in a log building. In the early 1900s, the church was moved out near the main road.
This is the fourth building to house the church and was built in 1967. It is still an active church today.
Pictures made in October 2011.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Knights of Phthyas Hall
In the year 1890, a young Marion Kentucky was growing and new organizations were being formed. One of these was the Knight of Phthyas.
When the membership started in 1887 there was a total of twelve, by 1890 there was a total of forty. With this large a membership, a idea of a new building was being planned.
The picture at the right is the new KP Hall built in 1890. This is how it appeared in The Crittenden Press in 1894. The new hall was built of substantial brick handsomely finished without and within and is a credit to the popular and rapidly growing order and also an honor to the town of Marion.
Many years later the building was owned by Lottie Terry, a department store, that carried fashionable clothing and hats of the time, sewing materials, and exquisite crystal and china. The Terry family lived in the upstairs section of the building.
After Mrs. Lottie died, her son, James Terry owned the store and ran it for many years. The store was sold in 1981 and the Terry home and store were torn down.
Even today, many people, have memories of this unique and different store that set on the corner, where today the Gilbert Funeral Home parking lot is located. Whether it be a child's new winter of spring coat to a lady's fine tailored made hat or garment designed and stitched by Mrs. Lottie, this store and the Terry family are a part o Marion's colorful history.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Marion Roller Mills
This is an interesting article that appeared in the Dec. 21, 1899 edition of our local paper, The Crittenden Press. I love these old articles and hand sketched pictures. I wish more of the old business had been able to do this. We would have a lot more history of Marion in the early days if they did.
This is some of the article that went with the photo. Very informative.
The capacity of the mill is seventy-five barrels of flour per day, and there are no idle days - a full complement of hands are all kept busy by the extensive merchant and custom business of Clark & Kevil.
Two famous brands manufactured here are their patent flour, "Little Beauty," and the straight-grade "Dew Drop,".
Mr. D. B. Kevil, is the manager, and is an expert miller as well as a fine business man.
This mill was located on East Bellville Street, where the popular Marion Feed Mill is located today.
This is some of the article that went with the photo. Very informative.
This is a splendid picture of one of the county's leading industries - Marion Roller Mills. In front on the left is the office, cozy and convenient without an within; the high builidng on the left is the elavator; the three story building on the right is the mill proper and its big smokestack looms up in the rear, and just behind all these is a side track of the I. C. railroad.
The capacity of the mill is seventy-five barrels of flour per day, and there are no idle days - a full complement of hands are all kept busy by the extensive merchant and custom business of Clark & Kevil.
Two famous brands manufactured here are their patent flour, "Little Beauty," and the straight-grade "Dew Drop,".
Mr. D. B. Kevil, is the manager, and is an expert miller as well as a fine business man.
This mill was located on East Bellville Street, where the popular Marion Feed Mill is located today.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
October Beauty
Just some colorful pictures today to share the beauty of Crittenden County's countryside. These pictures were made Oct. 8th, 2011 in the Amish Community on Mt. Zion Road in the middle area of our county.
The lines from the poem "When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock" fit these pictures perfectly.
The lines from the poem "When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock" fit these pictures perfectly.
The husky, rusty russel of the tossels of the corn,
And the raspin' of the tangled leaves, as golden as the morn;
They's something kindo harty-like about the atmusfere
When the heat of summer's over and the coolin' fall in here
But the air's so appetizin; and the landscape through the haze
Of a crisp and sunny moring of the airly autumn days
Is a pictur' that no painter has the colorin' to mock
When the frost is on the punkin and fodder's in the shock.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Forgotton Churches
Crittenden County has always been plentiful in country churches. Some have been able to carry on through many years and others have been disbanded. Reasons not noted, but perhaps lack of membership and interest or members started to going to churches closer to where they lived. Also fire was a common hazard for these early wooden buildings, once burnt, some were not rebuilt.
Although these churches are no longer active they played an important part in the growth and settlement of our county. Their spiritual heritage and guidance has been passed on to present generations. These churches were of the Methodist Faith.
- Meadow Creek: In 1869 there was a good congregation of Methodists at Meadow Creek which was located at the west-side of Highway 60 at the foot of Rosebud Hill. A cyclone passed through that community March 27, 1890 and destroyed the log building, and it was never rebuilt. Otho Nunn and W. R. Thurman served as stewards of this church at that time.
- Union: There was a church known as Union Methodist Church, but it's location is not known. The Quarterly Conference held in Marion April 9, 1870 reports the Pastor was R. C. Love, and presiding Elder was L. B. Davidson.
- Providence: The Providence church was located about 1.5 miles West of Crayne on the, then, farm of Tilford Bigham. There is a deed recorded in Deed Book B, page 193, dated June 11, 1848, for 1.5 acres where this church was built.
- Dry Fork: This church was located off the road on the Irma-Salem Highway, on Dry Fork Creek. It was called the Little Brown Church.
- Bethel: Bethel Methodist Church was located near the intersection of Mary Belle Mine Road and Crittenden Springs Road. The Superintendent of the Sunday School at one time was James A. Moore
- Mount Pleasant: At one time there was a good congregation of Methodists at Mount Pleasant which was located on the hill back of Crittenden Springs Hotel. The year it was organized is unknown but it was a thriving church in the 1850's. In June 19, 1875, John McKerley was elected Sunday School Superintendent of the church. There is also a small cemetery located on the slope of the hill that was associated with the church, for it was known as Mount Pleasant Cemetery. No evidence of the old church was found, but it is thought to have been not far from this cemetery.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Remains of Clementsburg on the Ohio River
The ruins of the John Rudd Clement home. When I first visited this site several years ago, both chimney's were still standing all the huge sandstones till in-tack. These pictures were made Sat. Oct. 8th, 2011 and you can see the ice storms of 2008 and 2009 have taken their toll on these majestic stone chimneys. Both show the damage done by ice and snow, and fallen limbs.
*****John R. Clement had a dream, a dream of a town names Clementsburg located on the banks of the Ohio River, near were the old Dam 50 site used to be.
Around 1834, John R. Clement built a home, a large home with beautiful stone chimney's on each end of the house.
On Dec. 4, 1850, Clement, a surveyor, submitted plans involving a 137 acre lot, which included the site of this home, to the Crittenden County Clerk, and five days later it was duly filed. The Kentucky settler continued developing plans for the city that was to bear his name. He established a ferry, helped survey roads for himself and others and ran a mill.
Then around June 4, 1858, John Rudd Clement died as a result of an accident at his mill, and with him died his dream. He was laid to rest in a family cemetery, located not too farm from his home, where six others of his family were also buried.
The family stayed on for a while in the large, two -story home. But the elements also took their toll of the city's dream. The Clement house became weather-beaten and the family moved out. In 1937, the history making flood, flooded the surrounding area and the final decay of the Clement homestead began.
All that remains of what once was to be a city are ruins of the Clement's arm, chimneys, and garden plots now overgrown with honeysuckle vines, and some remnants of fences.
The remains of the chimney on the opposite end of the home.
The little family cemetery is located within site of the foundation of the old home.
Buried here are: John Rudd Clement,
Isham Clement, son of John and Sarah Hughes Clement,
Coseusco Clement, son of John R. and Sarah Clement,
Virginia Clement, daughter of John and Sarah Clement,
2 stones now missing were for Joe and Dickie Clement.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tribute to Roger Morris
Roger Morris of Carrsville, Ky, in Livingston County, passed away recently. Although a Livingston Co. native he was well known and liked here in Crittenden County. He worked at the Peoples Bank in Marion for 33 years, making many friends and acquaintances. Roger will be remembered in Marion by his many drawings of historical homes and buildings here and in the county. I once told Roger that without him even knowing it he had played a large part in preserving Crittenden County History.
In 1975 he did a series of drawings that included the County Court House that was built in 1871 and was torn down in 1961, the old Crittenden County Jail, the Flanary Home, that was located on Bellville Street, that has since been torn down, and the First U. S. Presbyterian Church located on East Bellville Street. These are just a few of the historical drawings that Roger did.
This is the drawing of the old Court House. Roger was generous in letting this picture be used for several different book covers, stationary and other printed items for the genealogy and historical society.
The first U. S. Presbyterian Church that is located at 124 East Bellville Street, built in 1881. It is now the location of the Crittenden County Historical Museum, operated by the Crittenden County Historical Society.
The Crittenden County Historical Society log cabin. A picture of their log cabin located on College Street.
A few of the other historical buildings that Roger drew included Piney Fork School House, Piney Fork Meeting Shed, Marion Jr. High School, the Ollie M. James home on East Depot Street and many, many family homes all over the county.
A thank you to this very talented person who shared that talent with us and through him many places of our past will always be remembered.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Unknown School Group
A good thing to remember, and I always encourage everyone, to date and identify all the pictures that you make today. At the time it may not seem important, but years later it will be.
The picture may travel down through time, well-kept and preserved, but the little faces of a different time will have no names, nor no history to go with them.
Case in point, this wonderful school group of many years ago. What school were they attending and who were all these students.? We might even know their families if we only knew who they were.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Traveling along State Route 506
If one was going to the Piney Fork area you would take S. R. 506 from Marion. Many of us locals still call this the Piney Fork Road, for if you travel on for about 7 miles you will come to the Piney Fork community. The Piney Fork Presbyterian Church is still active today, and many of the families that live in the area had family living here many years ago. The grocery store, blacksmith shop, tannery and gristmill have been gone for many, many years.
Before you get to the Piney Fork community you will pass a lone cemetery marker standing along side the highway. It belongs to John A. Andrews, 1815-1891. It's such an unusual sight to see it standing there and it makes you wonder about its history.
Rev. James Boone, now 100 years old, told me the story. He said years ago, the only road to get to Piney Fork, was actually the creek bed that ran along the foot of this hill. When it rained and the creek was full, it cut off the only way to get to Piney Fork. At this time the spot where the Andrews stone is was a field.
It was decided that a road should be built up on the hill and away from the creek so that it wouldn't be flooded every time it rained. The land chosen for this road cut through the Andrews farm and was made very near the monument.
Perhaps the Andrews family at one time had intended for this to be the start of their family cemetery, as many family cemeteries were made on the family's land, but after the road was built and was located so close to the monument, they later buried family members in the near-by Piney Fork Cemetery. So the monument was there before the road was.
These little store buildings are still standing at the junction of S.R. 506 and Copperas Spring/Flynns Ferry Rd. Although empty for many years they are still a reminder of the once active little community of Piney Fork.
The small store on the left was the first store that was there. It was a wooden frame building. As the needs of the community grew, so did the need for a larger store, so the block building on the right was built. All the needs of the community were available at these country stores.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Crittenden Springs Resort
I've written about the once famous Crittenden Springs Hotel before, but it is a part of Crittenden County's past history that holds a fascination for me, just to think about a place so wonderful and grand once actually graced the hillside in rural Crittenden County.
Here is an article that appeared in the Crittenden Press in Sept. 7, 1893 about this wonderful place.
A Guest Writes Pleasantly of the Famous Watering Place.
As I sit in the handsome parlos of this famous health and pleasure resort this delightful cool morning, and allow my eyes to wonder forth upon the beautiful panorama of natural scenery composed of hill and dale, forest and field, rock and meadow, that greets me from my eyrie upon the crest of the hotel hill and my ears drink in the delightful music of the Italian band, my mind reverts to the happy days I have spent amid all their splendor of natural scenery, human joy and refinement, and it is with a pang of keen regret that I am reminded that in one more reolution of the sun in its orbit I will have left it all behind me possibly forever.
Not only has Crittenden Springs been nicely endowed by nature, but for above and beyond all natural beauty is the exceedleness great kindliness, courtliness and hospitableness that has marked the conduct of the present management. As for the culinary department, never has a summer resort been blessed with such good food, or more enjoyable entertainments that the Crittenden Springs. What with mother hubbard balls, phantom balls, private theatricals, progressive cinque parties, vocal and instrumental music and other entertainments galore, the week as been one continual round of pleasure.
How exciting to go back in time for a spell and visit this wonderful place in Crittenden County
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Shady Grove Cemetery
Shady Grove Cemetery located in Shady Grove, Ky. about 15 miles East of Marion is a large well-maintained county cemetery. Shady Grove is located close to the Caldwell County line and also the Webster County line, so there are people that have close connects to all three counties.
There are many interesting and unique stones in the cemetery, as in most old cemeteries there are some stones that have become unreadable with time, but our local cemetery books help with identifying these unreadable stones.
One of the unusual stone memorials are a set of concrete stone-like steps. It is a memorial for the F. L. Atwood family. Each stone has a small white marker embedded in it, they say: Blanch Atwood, Alpha Atwood, Elizabeth Atwood, Clara Atwood and F. L. Atwood.
Rev. Frank L. Atwood's obituary tells us who this family was and how they came to be in Shady Grove.
Crittenden Press, May 10, 1940. Rev. Frank L. Atwood, 89, was buried at Shady Grove Cemetery last Sunday. A former resident of Crittenden, born at Canton, Ky, Rev. Atwood came here as a young minister and pastored the Shady Grove Baptist Church about a half century ago. At the time of death he resided with his daughter Mrs. R. H. Keeton, Little Rock, Ark. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. I. W. Talley, Providence, assisted by Dennie Hubbard.
One of the names, Clara Atwood, married R. L Wood. She was born March 31, 1880 and died April 16, 1905. She died of consumption at the age of 25.
The tombstone in the picture at the left is for Clara. It is placed by her 'step' with the rest of the family.
Many stones like these that only have a name and no date, without family members present to help with the history it sometimes hard to find any information about the family and who the people are. Sometimes we are fortunate and can find an obituary that will shed light on who the people are and when they died. Such was the case with the Atwood family, with whom these stones were for.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Visit to the Historical Museum
The Crittenden County Genealogy Society took a trip to the Historical Museum at 124 East Bellville St. for their program this past Saturday.
Left to right: Steve Eskew, Doyle Polk, Brenda Underdown, Dot Kunnecke, Fay Carol Crider and Don Foster.
The Museum is full of interesting items and displays all pertaining to our local history. Behind the group is a small section of our Military Display, with uniforms, pictures, and other military items donated by family members of the veterans.
The old Lamb Loom is to the right of the group. It was donated to the Museum by the Dean family. The Loom used to be located at Deanwood and the Dean family used it to weave many items.
In another room of the Museum, Fay Carol Crider, Doyle Polk and Dot Kunnecke checked out the many items located there.
Dot is checking out the old hair permament machine that looks somewhat like an item of torture for the person getting their hair curled.
One will always find something of interest at the Museum. It is open from Wed.-Sat. 10:00 -3:00.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Marion's Old Water Tower
A familiar Marion landmark of years ago was the Marion Water Tower. It could be seen for miles around and really was a nice familiar sight to see. It identified our small town for miles around. It was taken down in February 1981.
The 150-ft. steel tower, located on property the city owned off South Walker Street, had dominated the town's skyline since its construction in 1925.
The standtank had not been used since the early 1970's when a new tank was constructed on Wilson Hill off the Piney Road. The old tank made of quarter-inch riveted steel sheets, had rusted over the years.
It was first thought that the old tank could be dismantled and erected elsewhere, but after closer inspection it was found to be deteriorated too much for further use.
So in February 1981, the old familiar Marion landmark came crashing to the ground as workmen from Henderson cut away two of the towers six legs and notched other to direct its fall.
Using a winch, they buckled a key leg, and it dropped exactly on target, causing no damage to water lines or power lines near by.
The 150-ft. steel tower, located on property the city owned off South Walker Street, had dominated the town's skyline since its construction in 1925.
The standtank had not been used since the early 1970's when a new tank was constructed on Wilson Hill off the Piney Road. The old tank made of quarter-inch riveted steel sheets, had rusted over the years.
It was first thought that the old tank could be dismantled and erected elsewhere, but after closer inspection it was found to be deteriorated too much for further use.
So in February 1981, the old familiar Marion landmark came crashing to the ground as workmen from Henderson cut away two of the towers six legs and notched other to direct its fall.
Using a winch, they buckled a key leg, and it dropped exactly on target, causing no damage to water lines or power lines near by.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Marion Business of Yesteryear
Rose's Cleaners. In picture. Left to right Wilson Andrews, Ewell Hunt, and Guy Rose.
Guy C. Rose – Civic Leader
Mr. Rose was born in Elizabethtown, Ill., and came to Marion soon after his discharge from the Army in 1933. At this time he purchased Marion Dry Cleaners, a business which has since born his name.
Mr. Rose was well known and respected in Marion for his service in civic affairs.
He was a member of the City Council, a member of the Crittenden County Library Board since the library started.
He had served previously as an officer of the Marion Kiwanis Club and had always taken a large part in the group's civic and promotional activities. He was a member of Bigham Lodge 256 of the Masonic Order. He was a member of the Marion Baptist Church and a member of its Board of Deacons.
Mr. Rose, died Nov. 24, 1956, at the age of 49, and is buried in the Mapleview Cemetery. Mr. Rose was married to Clessie Agee Rose.
Rose Cleaners closed it's doors several years ago and the location is now the home of Louise's Flowers at 121 N. Main St.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Morris and Hina Grocery
Down town Marion was a busy place in the early 1900's. Grocery stores were scattered all up and down main street.
They often moved and changed hands several times and it is hard to track all the locations of them. A new grocery store was being opened in 1910.
The new store was to be known as Morris and Hina Grocery. Advertising their new store and its workers were: Left to right: Frank Morris, Charlie Hina, Audrey "Fatty" Clark, Fred Moore and Herbert Morris, son of Frank. The location of this store was in the City Drug Store building on Main Street.
Here is an item from The Crittenden Press, March 17, 1910
Morris and Hina are worthy of patronage and their new store contains a full line of everything fresh and clean and is a marvel of beauty. Opening day the entire day being devoted to the demonstration of Meyers Bros. coffee. Many gallons of the enticing beverage were dispensed during the day and every one partaking prophesied success for the firm.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Forest Grove
Our county road signs help preserve our past history. It might be the name of a family that once lived on the road, a cemetery, a church and several are named for the little one room schools that were located on or nearby the present roads.
One of these is the Forest Grove Rd. It has one entrance on Hwy. 91 North, and the other end comes out on Fords Ferry Road. The entrance from Hwy 91 North would be where the name originated from, for the one room school of Forest Grove sat here.
The building was build about 1893 and was built on an acre lot that Rufus Terry donated.
Not only a school house, it was also used for school activities, community gatherings, and on Sunday the building was used for church services. Revivals were also held here when a place was needed for the community services.
After the small school districts were consolidated in the 1950's the school was used for family reunions and church gatherings. The old school building was torn down in the 1980's, and only an empty lot is visible now. Many good memories were made at the little community school house.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Levi Cook Jeweler
Henry Levi Cook, Marion's well-know jeweler came after Mr. Freeman. Cook's jewelry was located in the Orme Drug Store that was located on Main Street in what would later be the Marion Cafe. His business was on the left side of the building.
Born on a farm near Fords Ferry, Mr. Cook removed to Marion with his parents when a youth of twelve. He was the son of the late Henry M. and Mary Carter Cook, pioneer families of the county.
A graduate of the Marion High School and then a three year course at the Lebaon, Ohio Normal school, began his training for his strong liking for anything pertaining to machinery, which finally led him into the production of fine timekeepers. Entering as an apprentice in the works at Morganfield, Mr. Cook, in due course of time became an expert jeweler and watchmaker.
He started his business in 1898 and remained in the business until his death in 1940.
His well-known advertisement piece was a large time-piece which hung near the street located in front the the Drug Store where his business was.
In this picture made in the early 1900's you can see Levi's clock sticking out from under the awning on the right of the picture. It says Levi Cook. (If you click on the picture is should enlarge it enough for you to see the clock better, perhaps Levi is one of the men standing close by.)
Born on a farm near Fords Ferry, Mr. Cook removed to Marion with his parents when a youth of twelve. He was the son of the late Henry M. and Mary Carter Cook, pioneer families of the county.
A graduate of the Marion High School and then a three year course at the Lebaon, Ohio Normal school, began his training for his strong liking for anything pertaining to machinery, which finally led him into the production of fine timekeepers. Entering as an apprentice in the works at Morganfield, Mr. Cook, in due course of time became an expert jeweler and watchmaker.
He started his business in 1898 and remained in the business until his death in 1940.
His well-known advertisement piece was a large time-piece which hung near the street located in front the the Drug Store where his business was.
In this picture made in the early 1900's you can see Levi's clock sticking out from under the awning on the right of the picture. It says Levi Cook. (If you click on the picture is should enlarge it enough for you to see the clock better, perhaps Levi is one of the men standing close by.)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Antique Clock on Display
W. M. Freeman was a jeweler in Marion in 1894. From an article in the Crittenden Press dated August 8, 1894 it tells a little about Mr. Freeman. "His stock, which is varied and comprehensive, includes clocks and watches from the most celebrated makers, native and foreign. He claims special expertness in repairing watches and jewelry and in engraving which claim, from general opinion, he has substantiated."
I am not familiar with the location of Mr. Freeman shop at that time, and sometimes jewelers didn't have a shop of their own and would have a section in a popular drug store where they displayed their wares and did their repairs.
This antique pendulum clock from Mr. Freeman's Jewerly Shop was located at the Crittenden County Board of Education for many years, the earliest remembrance was in the 1970's when the Board office was located at the Court House. The clock followed the Board when they moved to their present location on West Elm St. Who owned it or where it was previously located is not known.
The clock's new residence in at the Historical Museum at 124 East Bellville St. It is a handsome clock, standing over 4 feet tall with beautiful carved features on it. You can see at the bottom of the clock, the name of W. M. Freeman, Marion, Ky. This clock is about 117 years old.
The Museum is very proud to be the new home of this beautiful and unique piece of Marion's past history.